ryuu ga gotoku 2
The second main installment of the Ryuu ga Gotoku series.
After the events of Ryuu ga Gotoku 1, ex-yakuza, Kiryuu Kazuma is dragged back into Japan's underworld to help put a stop to a war between the Toujou Clan and Oumi Alliance instigated by Gouda Ryuuji, who Kiryuu develops an intense rivalry for. Kiryuu is also helped by new allies such as Doujima Daigo and Sayama Kaoru.
A remake of Ryuu ga Gotoku 2, using the Dragon Engine seen in Ryuu ga Gotoku 6, was released in 2017 under the title Ryuu ga Gotoku Kiwami 2.
Also known as:
Yakuza 2
Yakuza Kiwami 2