巨乳 美巨乳 大きな乳房 豊乳 着衣巨乳 デカァァァァァいッ説明不要!! 巨乳化 거유
Breasts that are larger than medium breasts and smaller than huge breasts.
As a rule of thumb, use this tag if the volume of a character's breast is:
The facial area technique demonstrated at the following link using post #1662398.
**Warning** (NSFW): https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/310444994513207297/455961329036034049/Breast_Comparison.jpg
From the above picture, the recommended tags (numbered left to right) would be...
The following tags are aliased to this tag: big_breasts, large_boobs, large_breast, and large_tits (learn more).
This tag implicates breasts (learn more).